How big are they?

We offer four sizes, ranging from 12x12” to 24x24”.

What is the turnaround time?

We have four shipping options, including two expedited shipping options. They can be found here.

how much does it cost?

A Replica ranges anywhere from $45.00 to $115.00. Price depends on size and quantity. The full pricing chart can be found here.

what is the return policy?

Since Replicas are custom made products, we do not accept returns.

what if my replica is damaged?

If a Replica is damaged in the shipping process, we will replace it for you free of charge. We will need proof of damage, a photo of the front of the Replica, and a photo of the back of the Replica to process your replacement.

what payment methods are accepted.

Replica accepts all major credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and checks as payment up front. We also accept Purchase Orders from accredited schools with Net30 payment terms.

How does it work? what is the process?

For detail on how the process works, visit our ‘How it Works’ page.

Can I add a brand logo?

No. Replica does not use logos that belong to other brands, like Nike, Adidas, or UA.

Can I add names or other text?

Yes. We have multiple options for adding names or other text to your Replica. Please reach out to your sales representative for examples.