Senior Night Done Right

Senior Night is a mixed bag of emotions. As you stand on your home court or home field for the last time, a wave of memories rushes through your mind reminding you of everything you’ve put into this sport and everything you’ve taken from it. You think about the time you almost quit or about the bonds you’ve made through your time with a team. You think about that hilarious time in the locker room after practice or how bad it hurt when you lost in the playoffs last year. You think about the support you’ve received from your family or what you would’ve been like without the game you love.

So how can you as a coach, athletic director, booster club president, or parent make Senior Night special?


First of all, say thank you.

Your seniors have put in an enormous amount of time into this game while balancing school work, a social life, family, and sometimes even a part-time work schedule. Be sure to thank them for their dedication and leadership.

Second, give them something that reminds them of their team and their senior class.

Flowers are nice, but they don’t last. Their jersey would be really cool but framing and replacement costs year after year…yikes! Player posters are cost efficient and relevant, right? Yes…but when is the last time you had a poster that lasted the test of time?


Replica creates a very special senior night.

  1. It’s a great way to say “thank you”.

  2. It reminds an athlete of their time with your team.

  3. It brings a unique personalization to your Senior Night.

  4. The product lasts a lifetime.

  5. It’s budget friendly.

  6. We do all of the work.

Replica does all of the work.

Ok, not ALL of the work. You send us a picture of your jersey and a list of jersey numbers needed. That’s it. We take care of the rest and you receive products that are uniquely designed for each senior on your roster. What more could you ask for?

Don’t take our word for it. Check out what Abner had to say,

“The Replicas played a big part in honoring our Seniors. Amazing product and an even better service.”


Ty CalitriComment